Brussels are my favorite. They've been my favorite since I was a small child. A few years ago i started playing around with sprucing them up a little bit, mainly so i could eat them more often and in different ways. 

This recipe is one of my favorites because its very simple and I generally have all the ingredients lying around. 

Preheat oven to 375

  • 1lb Brussel Sprouts, cleaned, halved. Keep all the extra leave that fall off in this process: they create the yummiest part (the crispy chips) 
  • 1/3C Bread crumbs or panko flakes.
  • 1/4C Grated Parmesan cheese (cheese lovers feel free to up this amount)
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste ( For this recipe I prefer to use WHITE PEPPER)
  • EVOO


Combine all of the ingredients, lightly sprinkling the EVOO over the top and mixing very well to coat each brussel. You want o get a good coat of olive oil for both flavor and to create crisp brussle sprouts that don't stick to the pan. 

Spread the brussel sprouts on a baking sheet, making sure they are an even layer. Bake for roughly 20mins, or until your desired crispiness. ( I let the individual leaves get almost black and very crisp and the whole brussles to get lightly browned on the edges).


Serve with desired dipping sauce, I think any type of mustard works great with brussel sprouts, aiolis' are also nice. Or add them to tofu, rice, quinoa…...

